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Wednesday, November 16, 2005 

Layton and the tax cuts

The NDP's Jack Layton never ceases to surprise me - only months after forcing the Government to withdraw huge tax cuts in exchange for $4.3-billion in social spending and their support in the House of Commons, he's now actually in favour of a Government motion to implement a set of billion-dollar personal tax cuts. My favourite part was when he denied that his caucus' support for the motion meant that he was supporting tax cuts: "A ways and means motion is a routine vote," Layton told the Globe and Mail. "There isn't even a recorded vote. That is a routine matter."

Jack, if you don't believe in these tax cuts, then vote against them. Enough of the rigmarole, of the game-playing and posturing. Show some political leadership - and your crazy scheme to withdraw confidence in the Government now but have it not take effect until next January doesn't count - by voting against them or explaining to Canadians why you're all of a sudden in favour of tax cuts.

It's not obvious?

How about the fact that the Libs screwed around by delaying all opposition days until November to avoid having a confidence motion. Because of all of the Libs game-playing, the oppostion parties have no choice but to play ball.

Save your disdain for posturing for those who know it best.

I don't follow the argument that Jack Layton's complete flip-flop on tax cuts can be justified by the scheduling of opposition days into November. How is completely shifting your position an example of being forced to play ball? If Layton had voted against the cuts, he would probably have been in a better position to topple the government than before.

This is cute.

When Jack Layton was supporting the Liberals, you people were falling over each other in a race to drone on and on about how great he was.

Now that he's not supporting the Liberals, you criticize his every move.

Hilarious. :)

I don't really see a contridiction here.

The NDP were against corporate tax cuts.

The NDP ARE against corporate tax cuts.

The NDP will support personal income tax cuts.

Is it really that complicated?

Now if you want contradiction.... why was it horrendous and unfathomable for the NDP to prop up the corrupt Liberal government in the Spring, because they liked the government's spending priorities, but today, it's fine and dandy for the Tories to prop up the corrupt Liberal government because they like the government's spending priorities????? I just can't get my head around that little contradiction.

NDP pre-Gomery support for the government... terrible.

Tory post-Gomery support for the government... wonderful!

It gives me a headache.

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