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Tuesday, October 04, 2005 

Why not to Halifax?

According to the Globe's "highly-placed source", Deputy Tory Leader Peter MacKay will announce later this week that he wants to stay in Ottawa instead of returning to Halifax to run for the Premier's job. In my view, I think he should have pulled up stakes in the nation's capital and headed back to Nova Scotia.

As much as anyone, I'd like to see him replace Stephen Harper as Tory Leader. I fundamentally disagree with a lot of what Harper says, but that being said, he'll probably never be elected. This brings up another conundrum - that of one-party rule, which is also no good. Having MacKay heading up the CPC would present a second party with chances of being elected that would solve both problems.

It seems to me that the benefits of returning to serve as Premier of Nova Scotia would be huge. His experience in governing would be another feather in his cap, and would make his eventual ascent to the Tory Leadership and eventually to 24 Sussex much more likely. Granted, there's the chance that it could go horribly wrong, but politics is just one big gamble. So why not to Halifax?

As it stands now, MacKay will stay in Ottawa under Stephen Harper, leading a wing of the party that is holding less and less influence as time goes on. He'll continue to be subservient to Harper, and unless the big guy screws up royally (which, granted, is entirely possible), MacKay's position will remain stagnant. I'm sure there's a lot of personal considerations that only Mr MacKay is aware of, but I do wish he'd decide to return to Nova Scotia and show Canadians what he can do. I wouldn't mind seeing him in 24 Sussex one day.

Haha, I get a kick out of MacKay. Everything from Belinda, to his looks (in that pic, he resembles a fish of sorts). He most definitely would not be a bad thing for Canada, as Prime Minister. It's too bad he's underneath that guy from my Calgary riding. On a Pearson related note, did you know that Stuart's kids met up with Stephen's kids down in CancĂșn? Yeah, and I think the parents got together for drinks at some point.

Stuart and Stephen, eh? Who knew that our Director was partying with the Leader of the Opposition in Mexico. So that's where he goes on all of these 'business trips' - hobnobbing with political leaders.

If Harper doesn't win the next election, he'll be toast, and granted, MacKay will be in a good spot to replace him. But he'd be in a better spot to replace Harper's successor if he'd been Premier first.

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